
brevity is the soul of what?

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Location: Montreal

21 November 2005

flicker halifax inaugural screening

14 November 2005

i always loved little pocket.

(the title is loosely based on a kool keith song).

fucking check her out!!

08 November 2005

some kitties need some homes

my friend stephanie has become a temporary mother to 3 of the most adorablest kittens ever! there are 2 available, a white one with a cute grey head i lovingly refer to as thomperclork, and a grey and brown tabby as yet unnamed (the black one's mine, don't even think about it). they are both desperately in need of a good home(s). please see for more information + pictures. they hope you will want to love them.

*update* thomperclork has a new home! yay! good on raunch ranch for taking in a new boy.

*second update* the tabby is also being taken to a good home. thank you all for adopting these ridiculously cute kittens! as soon as we can take our black kitten, lovingly named pocket, home with us, you'll see pictures both here and at halicatslocals.

05 November 2005

clothing swap

what do you think? anyone wanna?

02 November 2005


this branch has been hanging on one of the wires outside our house for over a month, probably close to 2. it moves around the wire from against our house to right in front of my window. it's withstood each and every "hurricane" we've had this summer. it's my lifeline.

01 November 2005

speaking of art,

tomorrow (wednesday 2 november 2005) there will be a segment deluxe segment on gallerydeluxegallery on cbc radio 1 sometime between 4 and 6 pm, atlantic time. i think it will be on this show