deja vu is awesome!
on wednesday night kathy and i went to indie dance night. we got there fashionably late because we prioritised rockstar:inxs, so it was after midnight when we finally arrived, which i guess is regular ole time for independent dancers, but jessica was finished dj'ing by then and in all honesty, i thought the dj spinning at that point majorly sucked. i found trying not to be ironic while dancing ironically really hard, in an ironic way, as was trying not to cry when i got elbowed in the face. i perfected the running man though, i'm totally serious. i think i really got my rhythm down. other awesome things happened too, but i was totally too drunk to fully comprehend their awesomeness. i totally looked like this:
fuck yeah!
fuck yeah!
Tara Reid looks like a once-pretty wax dummy placed under a heat lamp, who's slowly melting into deformity.
that's a really accurate description of her. it almost made me cry it's so perfect.
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