
brevity is the soul of what?

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Location: Montreal

20 July 2005

a proposition to anyone willing.

in the past i have been an active participant in several honest-to-god mixtape (and cd) clubs. one such club operated thusly: 2 organisers took the names and other information of participants and matched them up anonymously with other participants, thereby making it all a grand surprise until the tape (or cd) was received. you knew who you were sending the tape to, but your recipient didn't know who s/he was getting a tape (or cd) from, and you didn't know who you were getting a tape (or cd) from. this one was fun because it was like secret santas, one of my favoritest games in the world. un autre club operated as follows: one organiser made the same tape (only tapes!) and sent copies to all of the people who subscribed to the club. he charged $20/yr for membership and that included cost of tapes, shipping, and a new tape every month. or thereabouts. other clubs were just very informal tape trades among friends. these are my favorite. so my proposition to you, friends, is this: i want to trade tapes (or cds). i promise to do it and i hope you promise to do it. we can work out the details later. some of you live very far away and i miss you to bits. please let me know if you'd like to participate and feel free to offer suggestions in the comments.



Blogger Cro magnon said...

i, in turn, like tapes. i am in.

21 July, 2005 14:25  
Blogger .francesca said...

yay! our first participant. thanks lachie!

21 July, 2005 18:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm in too! can you be "in" from across the country?

21 July, 2005 19:14  
Blogger .francesca said...

totally in! i actually would love to have people be involved that aren't in the immediate area. we'll go global!


21 July, 2005 23:42  

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